English News

FIFA bans BFF General Secretary Shohag for two years

Fazle Rabbi Khan

ডিবিসি নিউজ

শনিবার ১৫ই এপ্রিল ২০২৩ ০৮:৩৬:৩২ অপরাহ্ন
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World football's governing body FIFA has suspended Bangladesh Football Federation general secretary Abu Nayeem Shohag for two years with a fine due to forgery and falsification.

According to a FIFA press release at its website on Friday, Shohag has been issued with a two-year ban from taking part in all football-related activities and ordered to pay a fine of around TK 1.2 million for having used falsified documents to justify payments made by the BFF with FIFA funds.


In addition to the evidence collected during the investigations conducted by the investigatory chamber in the applicable proceedings, the adjudicatory chamber was comfortably satisfied, after having conducted a hearing and upon careful analysis of the evidence presented before it.

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