English News

'Jallad Shahjahan' freed from jail

Fazle Rabbi Khan

ডিবিসি নিউজ

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Shahjahn Bhuiyaan, popularly known as Jallad Shahjahan, was released from prison on Sunday after serving around 32 years' in jail. He was the chief hangman of Dhaka Central Jail.

Shahjahn, walked out from Keraniganj Central Jail around 11:45am on Sunday. His sentence was commuted to 32 from 42 years for his good works in prison.


According the prison authorities, Shahjahan Bhuiyan was arrested in 1991. He was then kept at Manikganj jail.


Since 2001, he has served as Chief hangman. Shah Jahan executed six accused and six war criminals in the Bangabandhu murder case.


Besides, he also executed the accused murderer Ershad Shikder, Khuku and Moni accused of murdering Sharmin Reema. In 1997, the prison authorities recognized Shah Jahan as the chief hangman.

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