English News

New train fare effective from today

Amituv Rahman

ডিবিসি নিউজ

শনিবার ৪ঠা মে ২০২৪ ০৯:২৪:৫১ অপরাহ্ন
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Train fare has increased from today depending on the route. The fare of container transport has also increased.

New train fare has been effective from Saturday. In the meantime, Bangladesh Railway authority said, train fares are increasing by 7 to 9 percent depending on the route. 

However, there is anger among common passengers about the additional fare.  They say that increasing fare without improving the quality of service is unreasonable.

Experts say, increasing fare will  affect people's normal life. On the other hand, the Railway authority says that the fares have been hiked to improve passeng

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